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  • Profile picture of Adam Houlahan

    Prominence global is, you’ll find, very different. we help our clients position themselves as industry leaders who are the envy of their peers. our mantra is authenticity we create intelligent strategies that cut through the noise that is social media. we do that by being authentic, courageous, and committed to make a difference in our world too. we value transparency more is learned from our mistakes than successes, sharing both is our commitment to honesty and truth. we operate with integrity ethics in marketing is in our dna, we are not afraid to say ‘no’. we seek continuous improvement through innovation we’re constantly curious in growing ourselves, our team and the service we provide. we’re personal we understand there is no cookie-cutter program that suits every business. we develop solutions that are as individual as our clients are. we make a positive difference we believe real and meaningful change comes through the world’s entrepreneurs. we create a powerful on-line presence for each client that grows & accelerates their global footprint, so that together we really can make a huge impact. through our premium partnership with the global giving movement we impact the lives of millions of people in need just by doing what we do every day.

    Prominence global is,…

  • Profile picture of Dominic Butler

    Helping businesses define their vision through writing

    Helping businesses define…

    - "Getting familiar with this platform and I have to say that I am blown away!"

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david duncan

Profile picture of david duncan


Active 2 years, 5 months ago