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My Connections

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  • Profile picture of Linzi Boyd

    Shift the world in to a new era

    Shift the world…

  • Profile picture of Faye Silk

    Taking action that enables change in people to realise their full potential

    Taking action that…

    - "Welcome @martin-robson and @donald-speirs! we are excited to have you here and look forward to the Roundtable on 20th September."

  • Profile picture of Lynsey Light

    Encouraging others to find their voice in business and help them to grow

    Encouraging others to…

  • Profile picture of Wayne Edwards

    Shifting the future of food and drink

    Shifting the future…

  • Profile picture of Rakhee Shah

    Creating meaningful partnerships that impact change in the world

    Creating meaningful partnerships…

  • Profile picture of Gaelene Adams Wood

    Reconnecting people to what is most important in business, love and life.

    Reconnecting people to…

  • Profile picture of Louisa Lee

    A leader in healthcare and education (r)evolution

    A leader in…

  • Profile picture of Adele Bryant

    To champion the change-makers, leaders and legacy builders (whether clients, partners or the wider community) to bring their bold and courageous ideas to life.

    To champion the…

  • Profile picture of Tim Dwyer

    Releasing people's true value into the world

    Releasing people's true…

  • Profile picture of Steven Thompson

    I want to be known for impacting 1 billion hearts, through helping people identify their heart centred personal brand, so they can be comfortable being unapologetically themselves, whilst having a positive impact in our world and helping those around them to grow!

    I want to…

    - "Working on the L & D Program today – Future Mapping and trying to work out the correct market need as I feel there are many in social media/digital."

  • Profile picture of Jorge Diaz

    Transforming small business thinking

    Transforming small business…

  • Profile picture of Aarti Parmar

    Educating and empowering brand-led growth and fulfilment

    Educating and empowering…

  • Profile picture of Gina Mula

    To create a positive movement of change; creating positive habits that create meaningful results. using business as a force for good.

    To create a…

  • Profile picture of Timothy Roberts

    I'm known for transforming businesses through giving them greater insights into their customer and prospect data which enables them to grow. i connect businesses to people through their digital dna.

    I'm known for…

  • Profile picture of Nat Davies

    Inspiring change in the way people connect with their future

    Inspiring change in…

  • Profile picture of Doug Aitken

    I want to be known for shifting the accountancy industry

    I want to…

  • Profile picture of Mark Attwood

    My purpose is to unlock ambition in individuals to bring their goals into reality

    My purpose is…

  • Profile picture of Tim Levey

    Guiding you to a brighter future

    Guiding you to…

  • Profile picture of Vida Barr-Jones

    Brand led  growth by design

    Brand led  growth…

  • Profile picture of Tim Stokes

    Optimising business ready to scale with harmonious living.

    Optimising business ready…

Coming Soon

Emma Chesson

Profile picture of Emma Chesson


Active 3 years, 1 months ago