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My Connections

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  • Profile picture of Brett East

    I want to be known for being the owner of a technology business who gets to the bottom of "why" businesses use technology. then applying that information in the design and construction of innovative, simple and useful products for business.

    I want to…

  • Profile picture of Carlene Jackson

    Creating organisations where people really matter and they can achieve their highest levels of performance’

    Creating organisations where…

  • Profile picture of Kate Squires

    My mission is to inspire women to live a more fulfilling life by guiding nutritional and lifestyle changes that help achieve goals for better health, self-acceptance and liberation.

    My mission is…

  • Profile picture of Philip Jaffa

    For healing our connection to nature. global tourism has a responsibility to rise to the challenge of reversing climate change on our devastated planet. we also so see that more than ever, people feel issolated, alone, disconnected from purpose, from their communities and ultimately themselves. i believe that we are all inherently part of a global connected community that sits as one with the planet, nature and the species that share it with us. hence, we all have a responsibility in conserving mother earth. certainly in seeing and valuing nature as a primary life giving and affirming source, we are able to start a journey of healing the planet and in doing so, find the deep routed connections that we crave. making tourism truly sustainable is an essential aspect of this journey.

    For healing our…

  • Profile picture of Jacquie Dwyer

    Translating big visions into business reality with implementation.

    Translating big visions…

  • Profile picture of Tim Yendell

    To empower business owners around their finances by removing confusion, fear and uncertainty and replace it with clarity, freedom and control.

    To empower business…

  • Profile picture of Tim Dwyer

    Releasing people's true value into the world

    Releasing people's true…

  • Profile picture of Steven Thompson

    I want to be known for impacting 1 billion hearts, through helping people identify their heart centred personal brand, so they can be comfortable being unapologetically themselves, whilst having a positive impact in our world and helping those around them to grow!

    I want to…

    - "Working on the L & D Program today – Future Mapping and trying to work out the correct market need as I feel there are many in social media/digital."

  • Profile picture of Jorge Diaz

    Transforming small business thinking

    Transforming small business…

  • Profile picture of Rebecca Blamey

    Creating a community of unified, like- minded female business owners to help inspire and energise each other to help us all create amazing things. a larger voice together.

    Creating a community…

  • Profile picture of Matt Wadewitz

    Creating a world of collaboration

    Creating a world…

  • Profile picture of Renato Moretto

    Luxury accommodation provider, guest services, change management, food and beverage

    Luxury accommodation provider,…

  • Profile picture of Jonathan Palling

    As a trusted global recruitment partner helping businesses build digital readiness and protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber crime.

    As a trusted…

  • Profile picture of Aileen Lamb

    - " "

  • Profile picture of michael gazal

    Growing a business with like minded people who have a true passion for travel and building long term customer relationships.

    Growing a business…

  • Profile picture of Jon Race

    Realising the power of design to inspire and transform

    Realising the power…

  • Profile picture of Anna Guillan AM

    Sustainable tourism industry

    Sustainable tourism industry

Coming Soon

Iona DeMaudesley

Profile picture of Iona DeMaudesley


Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago