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Join the quiet revolution

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What Industry are you in? (what Industry do you want to shift?)

Management consulting

What is your business/brand called?

Profit transformations

What does your business do?

Provides the how-to component of growth to reduce trial and error, with ready to use systems, measuring and management tools for more confident decisions. provide solutions to the challenges of growing a business, to reduce the time and need of the business owner in the operation of the business, freeing them up to work on the business more strategically, or just so they can work when they choose.

What do you want to be known for? (what's your purpose)

Optimising business ready to scale with harmonious living.

Who do you want to connect with on the Earth?

Business owners who have been in business 10+ years and want more freedom, to choose to work on or to be out of their business, or to tell it as a business under management not a job. partners who operate in the b2b space open to collaboration.

Coming Soon

Tim Stokes

Profile picture of Tim Stokes


Active 3 years, 10 months ago