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  • Profile picture of Nathan Dale

    Connecting and supporting undervalued industries to reach their potential

    Connecting and supporting…

  • Profile picture of Gerald Bradley

    To be confirmed

    To be confirmed

  • Profile picture of Vikram Setia

    Help people excel in their careers and life.

    Help people excel…

  • Profile picture of Rebecca Marks

    Be the best i can and, by living this, enable others to also maximise their potential.

    Be the best…

  • Profile picture of Sam Asser

    Playing a bigger game

    Playing a bigger…

  • Profile picture of Virgina Walker

    Momentum is a community collective creating real social change and inclusive opportunities we help vulnerable and disadvantaged people find a roof, get a job and live their best life

    Momentum is a…

  • Profile picture of Richard Crawford-Small

    We build businesses, to build successful aesthetic businesses by inspiring the people behind them.

    We build businesses,…

  • Profile picture of Joe Furey

    In 10 years of less, grow my company and sell it so i can retire!

    In 10 years…

  • Profile picture of Cheryl Jones

    To bring back the idea of business as a service which creates value within society. and bring back marketing that does the same.

    To bring back…

  • Profile picture of testdemo testdemo



  • Profile picture of Matt Wiley

    Caring about improving lives, giving people hope, security and purpose

    Caring about improving…

  • Profile picture of Richard Snow

    I would like our brand to stand for first class advice and service to customers - which enables them to reach their full potential - delivered by dynamic, smart people with a strong desire to do things right !

    I would like…

  • Profile picture of Jeremy Burbidge

    Innovation of objects and life to the internet for good of mankind

    Innovation of objects…

  • Profile picture of Guy Robinson

    I wish to be known as a residential specialist who is at the forefront of change leading a team of professionals in the business of moving people

    I wish to…

  • Profile picture of Shona Wright

    Enabling people to lead their happiest life.

    Enabling people to…

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